Saturday, October 1, 2011

Unknown Destinatios.

Nothing on my mind,
I have no dreams,
Don't know what to do with my life.
No fixed roads,
And no destinations,
Don't know which path I need to drive.

I have no maps,
And no directions,
Don't even know if I should still try.
I may not have company,
no followers,
But I won't get weak, I won't cry.

I will keep on moving,
Keep myself occupied,
I will keep trying new roads,
Till I get a place I like.
In the unknown destinations,
Till I feel home has arrived.

I will keep on trying,
Till I find it,
The place of happiness that I seek,
And if I die,
not finding it,
I will be happy, I left no one to weep.

I will look back, remember,
My little splendid ride,
All the roads and places,
And new things I had tried,
At the unknown destinations,
And go away with pride.