Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Then and now...

Hello Sir, How are you?
and who's this lovely lady here?
Its been a such long time,
Its a pleasure to meet you dear.

So, I heard the you are doing masters,
And planning getting into university,
Its a great achievement I must say,
You can't get a better opportunity!

Wassup Dawg? Yo still alive?
N who's dat smooth chick in your drive?
Long time no see, where'd you go?
Lets shake some booty, you know..

What's this I hear about master's shit?,
Who gives a heck about black suits and wit?
We've all the bloody galz, moolah and fame
But this university thing ain't our game...

Monday, June 28, 2010

The path of addiction...

I have seen my worst days,
and been through bloody night,
When available are thousand ways,
and only one of them is right.

I chose the wrong path,
I chose the one that went straight,
I should have been more strong,
But I just couldn't wait.

The road showed me flowers,
and showed me fruits to eat,
I could walk on it for hours,
As it was soft on my feet.

As the road moved on,
It showed me better gift,
But soon I was to know the con,
And the way good things would shift.

I tried changing this road,
But all that went in vain,
I was addicted to this soft board,
As the rocks would now pain.

I could ntotbear normal living,
As I was spoilt by the path,
I was spoilt by its small giving,
I had to now face the aftermath.

Don't get fooled by the softness,
Don't get into these small comforts,
I just ruins life and makes a mess,
And later on, it only hurts.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


I fly high or skid the ground,
I am kicked hard or passed around,
Shooting me trying to get me to my love,
Or may be by getting me to curve,
I completely follow the orders of the boot,
Trying to be won by each and every foot,
I am gold for players and I love being me,
I represent celebration, I am Jabulani.

I tried to be the very best,
The perfect round and lightest,
Rigorous tests I have survived,
And then, finally! I have arrived,
Even still I am dreaded by most,
Is my sacrifice worth the cost?
I have been booed along by many,
I am the colourful ball, the Jabulani.

I may be hard for players to keep,
But I will not sit aside and weep,
Let the whistle sound and start the game,
I want to regain my lost fame,
With me kissing my love, the nets,
And giving keepers early threats.
I will go on till the last ounce of air in me,
I will get the world singing again, I am Jabulani.


I am not devil to make you cry,
Or cause you a lot of pain,
I will not kill you, why should I?
I have no butcher's brain.

But that doesn't mean I love you,
Or that I am your friend off-late,
I still have marks, though only few,
But those burns still have some hate.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


I close you safe within me,
But you just want to get free,
Remember once I say good bye,
You all will suffer the multiply.

I keep you in me for long,
So that I am silent in the song,
Sometimes I am the background score,
While I am used for chorus more.

I may be round, box or brace,
I may have a different face,
But one thing I always signify,
I am the symbol for 'unify'.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

If I get a chance...

If I get a chance to save mother Earth,
My little world where I took birth,
What would I do to make it pure,
how will I find all the poisons' cure??

Should I ban plastic, the chemical satan,
But will the world follow, will it pass the baton?

Should I ban castes, the anti-unity,
But will it he enough to promote equality??

Should I remove poverty, the root cause of all,
But I need moolah, will the rich answer my call?

Should I ban tobacco, the silent killer,
But then cigarettes will have even deadlier filler.

Should I clean politics, the corruption hub,
But will it be followed by the future cub?

What should I do if I get a chance to make things right??
Show me some ways, show me some light,
Please give me an answer, to this mental fight,
Should I do anything or just pass on the might?

Thursday, June 17, 2010


For your idol is God,
And you worship it,
Join your hands,
and pray to it.
To drain your sorrows,
and filter your joys,
Its not a compulsion,
its and act of choice.
You choose your path,
You choose your way,
Along with every night,
there comes a day,
The days here are happiness,
and Nights are sorrows,
Its only you who decide,
and there's no book of tomorrow.

He just created us
and gave us our needs,
We ourselves are responsible,
for our acts and our deeds,
There's no key behind us,
There's no one to wind it,
All that I wanna say,
My quote below sums it,

"Human is not caste, religion or creed,
Human is to help the one in need.
Stop the divisions, and let us all be one,
Let us live the life of a Human."

Just a friend...

I proposed her, and she gave me just a smile,
I thought we would go on till our end,
I thought she would be mine forever,
But she always thought, I was just a friend.

I loved her dearly, more than myself,
We were always together, holding hand in hand,
I keed her lips, It was like heaven for me,
But for her I was just her best friend.

I tried my best to keep her happy,
and bring all her sorrows to an end,
I always kept thinking, Why she hurt me so much?
Answer was simple, I was just a friend.

She always respected me, saw me as an idol,
But for her I was always a friend,
She always wanted me, I was her hope,
But never her life, only just a friend.

I do want your respect, your care for me,
But I want to be the shoulder on which you bend,
I wanna be your life partner for ever and ever,
But I cant be your just a friend....

Comments please.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

For the flag we salute

No more clubs or assorted teams to play,
Now play for country, for the flag we salute,
Pride and honour for the nation we represent,
With the colous of flag embedded in the boot.

Sing along, dance along, support n join hands,
Rejoice this wonderful game to be played,
Let the game begin, let the ball be kicked,
For the world flags are ready to be swayed.

A great pass forward on, the attack,
Drilling the ball with all heart and soul,
Commentators going crazy, shouting aloud...
'Its in the net', 'oh! what a shot', 'goaaalll'...!!!


Very amateur attempt at a song..! :)

I was sad and I was upset,
I just wanted to be left alone.
I was angry and I was red,
and all the tantrums I had thrown..

But you were ther and saw me cry,
You came up to me and wept me dry...

Your smile...
It's like paradise, an isle.
Your smile...
And my hearts starts to smile
Your smile...
It vanishes all my Bile.
Your smile...
It makes my life worthwhile.

When ever in life you feel sad,
Or get a frown on that lovely face,
I will act a clown and be a fool,
I would do everything to see that smiling face..

I wanted to to say this all the while..
Will you marry me and walk the aisle?

Your smile...
It's like paradise, an isle.
Your smile...
And my hearts starts to smile
Your smile...
It vanishes all my Bile.
Your smile...
It makes my life worthwhile.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I am rain...

When sun was shining hard on ground,
And no drop of water was to be found,
When thirst was drying you from inside,
and no tree shade for you to hide.
I pour down on you, I am rain,
And your smiling faces is what I gain.

You have worked day and night,
wishing that my time was right,
You sowed the seeds of future morsels,
On which the whole country dwells,
I pour down on you, I am rain,
I will not let your labour in vain.

The socks are out and studs are on,
Its time those lovely jerseys are worn,
And girls go out with colourful coats,
Children are ready with paper boats,
I pour down on you, I am rain,
And playful scenes in every lane.

When you are lonely and heart broken,
When you had been harsh spoken,
Your heart was when feeling to cry,
And your eyes were no longer feeling dry,
I pour down on you, I am rain,
I can hide your tears but not your pain.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Why I love you...

You are like candy floss, soft, cute n sweet...
you are like tasty oats and not the boring wheat...
you are like a storybook, you are always fun...
you are like cup-cake n sweet cream n bun...
you are clever, smart n pretty n everything good too...
that's the reason dear, why I love you... :D

In the House of my mind...

Thank You Sagar for the idea..

In the house of my mind,
I keep thinking of what
It would have been,
had I known you not.
The glorious times,
and wonderful days,
We shared together,
I will remember always.

In the house of my mind,
I keep thinking of how,
the world would be,
Few years from now.
Will there be trees,
or rainbows in sky,
Will there be shadows,
made by sum up high.

In the house of my mind,
I keep thinking when,
I will live my dream,
I have since i was ten.
Be famous and rich,
Have girls and cars,
and live life large,
Like the super stars.

In the house of my mind,
I keep thinking why,
I am so happy,
and so very high.
Is it you,
or is it your smile,
That makes living,
and my life worthwhile.

The Law of Averages...

An attempt to take another topic again

What goes up will fall down,
Once a hero, will now be a clown,
Once on song, will lose his form,
One extreme, will become a norm,
Once a captain, will lose his team,
Once a engine, will lose his steam.

And those who fell, will rise up,
Once underdogs, will win the cup,
Once a swine, will now get glory,
Once a loser, will now taste victory.
Once a stone, will now be a gem,
Once were hated, but now respect them.

It doesn't see your victory or wages,
It doesn't count your biography's pages,
It imprisons the free, and empties the cages,
Its the law, the law of averages.

I want to learn to speak...

A kiddish poem.. :P

I want to learn to speak,
But the people are hell-bent I don't,
Tell some words, ways to express,
But those smiling faces just won't.

I don't mind you play with me,
toss me up high in the air,
Show me your funny weird faces,
All this I really don't care.

All I want is a way to let it out,
instead of pointing here and there,
I want to learn a language,
From the people around me everywhere.

I want to say I am hungry, I am thirsty,
But no one understands untill I cry,
I want to say I have pooped,
Please, Please, clean me dry.

I want to learn to talk,
And say some words too!
But all I get from you idiots,
Is ga ga gee gee goo goo!!


My favourite poem. No.1 for me.
This is a poem i wrote thinking of Gerrard at Istanbul, May 25, 2005, the greatest evening in history of Football.

One in the net, went through my heart,
Second one in, threw my team apart,
I wished it was over, and wished no more,
And then came Crespo, he had to score.

We were 3-0 down, rest all blacked out,
We felt insulted, and they stood proud.
I felt like crying, and my heart ached bad,
Not just me the whole KOP was sad.

My hands on my head, I am feeling low,
My team is losing and going slow.
I must do something, I must revive,
I must do something, we will survive.

Then I heard a sound, a song of might,
It seemed unbelievable, it didnt seem right,
The man then said, "Its not yet gone,
Hear them singing, 'You'll never walk alone' "

Belief i got, from that rhythm of pride,
I will not give up, I will not die.
I will inspire, this is my day,
I want the cup, and i want it today.

Coming onto field, i looked at the sky,
Why not today, just tell me why?
I could feel the power, the strenght in me,
I could then see, whole KOP besides me.

I saw the ball, rising through the air,
I had to reach it, i had to get there.
I took a leap, and got a smile on my face,
I got there first, we are in the race.

What followed then was simply devine,
I owe it to you, I owe it to the rhyme,
I owe to scousers, I owe them the throne,
They taught me to believe, that 'you'll never walk alone'.

Happyness with a (wh)Y.

Top5 -- No.2

No more flowers to smell,
No more stories to tell,
Sunmers are on fire,
And winters are drier.
More tears coming out when people cry,
But I still have happyness with a Y.

No more food to eat,
No more flops on feet,
Flu is in the air,
And nobody to care,
People die of thirst and its still getting dry,
And I still have happyness with a Y.

No more pure milk,
No more pure silk,
Adulteration everywhere,
Nothing is fair,
Fraud is spreading in open and no one is shy,
But I still have happyness with a Y.

No more barbie dolls,
No more cricket balls,
Less toys to play,
No moulding clay,
Just PC games where we kill or die,
But I have happyness with a Y.

No more bedtime books,
No more suprised looks,
Relatives are bore,
Officework is more,
Even the kids sleep without a lullaby,
But I am have happyness with a Y.

But I am happy with a WHY???
Bllody WHY?????

What flows through me is blood no more...

Top5. -- No.3
Dedicated to my first love: Liverpool Football Club

Holding head high with armour on chest,
With love for power, to become the best,
Eleven men race onto the field,
Through the board saying "This is Anfield",
Kissing the badge and Liverpool Crest,
With Liverbird, upon their chests,
With a history backing their mighty dreams,
They come to their battlefield, the greens,

There is a flow of emotions from the core,
Before the fight this is what they said,
"What flows through me is no blood no more,
It's the pride and passion of being a RED"!

Keep moving forward

A reply to a poem about 'how present is a reflection of past'

Raise your head, look above,
The silver lining awaits,
You may have ashes behind you,
But roses to follow your fate.

Don't turn just look ahead,
Fortune favours the brave,
For you have nothing to loose,
For the worst is burried in grave.

Forget the pieces you left behind,
Crumbled paper will always stain,
Just keep moving forward and don't stop,
Time will teach you to live with the pain.

Forward march, And don't stop,
That's why eyes aren't behind,
For only those who don't moan,
Gets the gold he wants to find.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Short Ones

I would b trying, before I'm buying,
So I'll take time, hope you don't mind,
If you are strong, you shouldn't mind waiting long.
Go drink a beer but don't leave me here

If I was stronger, I would wait longer,
Waiting for you, till the mornng dew,
But I am not, and its very hot,
Am leaving for home, you can come alone.


I stand to pee, to get relieved.
I can take out my tee, to feel free.
I can go out @ night, without a fight.
I can dress as I might, and my jeans aren't tight.
I am a man and so I can.

Sorry, was in a funny mood


I don't wanna know why this happened,
I don't wanna know your side of story.
I just wanna know if you still my friend,
Or for forgiving you, should I be sorry??


No you will not walk over me again!
I won't let you give me the same pain.
I won't let you come this side of the road ever again!
I will not repeat the mistake, I will not do the same.

They live by their ways
Not feeling for others,
And still keep saying
We all are brothers.

Keep fighting for the world
Is what they preach,
Fights don't save,
Is what they should teach.

We all are one,
But this 'we' is restricted,
And violence is something,
To which this world is now addicted.

Why-o-why do we have Math??

For the record, I love Mathematics a lot.

This + this = that.
Why-o-why do we have Math??

I don't like Algebra neither Geometry,
Who the hell discovered Trigonometry?
What is the answer to this given sum?
At what speed should Mr.Z come?
What is the area of surface of cone?
After all these years X is still unknown.

This + this = that,
Why-o-why do we have math?

What is the meaning of derivative?
Which set of following is superlative?
Integrate x, what will you get?
Area of rectangle is length x breadth,
Sample data has normal distribution,
As if mean, median, mode had less confusion.

This + this = that
Why-o-why do we have math?

I don't care what's the power of x,
Or what makes a curve convex,
I don't care how you divide the cake,
Or what value log e would take,
What will I do knowing speed of light?
Or at what degree the angle is right,

This + this = that,
Why-o-why do we have math.

Sampling data, doing hypothesis test,
Which LPP describes constraints the best,
What the hell is limit x tends to zero,
Pythagoras was never my hero,
Who cares for probability that dog barks??
Why do you keep spoiling my marks??

This + this = that,
Why-o-why do we have math??

I chose to be different

Dedicated to a fellow poet of mine, he studied in Indian Military school, Bengaluru.

I could have gone to a normal school,
And played with friends all day,
Just do the home work I get,
And go to movies on Sunday.

I could get up late on holidays,
And spend the days lazy,
I could ask my mom for 5 minutes more,
And still be in that bed, so cozy.

I could have eaten what I like to,
Candies, sweets and more,
And could have seen T.V.,
And skipped my daily chore.

My mom would have packed bag,
And dad to drop me to school,
I could have been a normal student,
From a normal regular school.

But I choose to be different,
And live life for my land,
And join the Indian militarily,
And defend each gravel of sand.

I sacrificed being normal,
Sacrificed seeing my parents everyday.
I sacrificed all the luxuries,
I sacrificed all my play.

Though I can't live by my rules,
I live for my country to be free.
I am proud student of,
The Indian School of Militarily.

Once I started Poetry...

Just my imagination, nothing has actually happened to me.

I was scared and afraid of loosing you,
I was worried I will never see you again,
I had be with you forever and ever,
But you left, leaving me in pain.

And I had to come out of you,
And had to let myself free.
And got a world of my own,
Once I started poetry!

I was to get my report this evening,
Recollecting how my exams had gone,
Just hoping to get passing marks,
1st time I had failed since the time I was born!

And I had to get going again,
And get the confidence in me,
I got that courage I needed,
Once I started poetry!

I love him so much, he's everything for me,
We went camping and help me in my chore,
He's the greatest one in the world,
But God took him and now he's no more.

And I had to make him proud,
And do what he wanted to see,
And I got this determination,
Once I started poetry.

Wonderful memories I have here,
As children going up and down the stair,
And playing games in the garden,
But I have eviction now to care.

I had to find a new place,
Where my family can safely be,
I got my own new world,
Once I started poetry.

I want those days back...

Top 5 -- No. 4

When happiness was mother's hug,
When biggest fear was a bed bug,
When biggest pain was bruised knees,
When my only napkins were my tees,

When greatest idol was my dad,
And fallen chocolate made me sad,
When high slings were a joy,
And even new eraser was a toy,

When greatest gift was a G.I.Joe,
And our sibling, our biggest foe,
When 10 bucks made smile all day,
When happiness was the only meaning of gay,

When greatest wish was a toy car,
And "I didn't break the cookie jar",
When kisses were very very yuck,
And drinking juice was meaning of suck,

When all my fingers could be used to point,
And where two things met was a joint,
When getting marks were biggest task,
When donald duck was on the mask,

When my mother ran behind, feeding me,
When Cartoon network ment T.V.,
When goodnight kiss where on my cheek,
I want those days back, that's all I seek.

I Luv

I Luv to hear ur voice,
Pass fingers through ur hair.
I Luv to see u right beside me,
About u is all i care.
I Luv to sleep on ur lap,
And being hugged so close by u.
I Luv to see u Luv me,
And luv u is all i do.

I Luv to see u Smile, :)
Its like a heavenly devine.
I Luv when u lean on me,
And ur kiss is like wine.
I Luv when u fall in my arms,
And melt my heart for u.
I Luv to see u Luv me,
And luv u is all i do.

Inspiration for my next poem..

This is one of my favourites. In the top5 -- No.5.

Going thru my phone, reading all my text,
searching 4 an inspiration to write my next.
Looking round the room, there's a board n a chalk,
In the corner lies the stick, my grandma uses to walk.

Above me, the ceiling fan goes round,
There's a dumbbell weighting only 2 pound.
Then there's my pc, that I use to chat,
a football, a racket n a cricket bat.

My reflection I see in the mirror on my wall,
The dear cellphone I use to call.
In a corner lies my shirt all messed,
And the others in my cupboard, washed and pressed.

Me and my brother look cute in the frame,
CDs lying around of my computer game.
Socks here, shorts there, clothes everywhere,
And then there's my friend's gift, a teddy bear.

In the other cupboard, my books I found,
just chairs and bed left as I look around.
I tried everywhere but nothing I could find,
Don't know what my new work will be, n of wat kind.

Give me a hint, an inspiration too,
so that I can write something new.


A little lengthy, so thanks for the time.

Imagine there's no sun,
No early morning dew,
No more summer fun,
No more sun tans too.
No more silver linings
or Rays of hope to stare,
No more new mornings,
Just darkness everywhere.

Imagine there's no rain,
No more kids splashing,
Rivers won't ever flow again,
No more showers to sing.
No more rainbows to view,
No more water to drink,
No more surfing too,
Atleast paper boats won't sink.

Imagine there's no bird,
No more sweet chirps too,
Garden will become just a word,
No more morning Kuk-a-doo.
No more Daffy or Tweety,
No more birds to view,
No more feathered beauty,
No more love birds too.

Imagine there's no tree,
No more fruits to eat,
No more shades for free,
No more grass under feet.
No more swing under Banyan,
No more cotton or gum,
Nothing for farmers to earn,
No more wine or rum.

Imagine there's no air,
No more cool breeze in sweat,
No more Baloons in fair,
No more bubbles for kids to get.
No more boats with sail,
No more oxygen to take,
No more freezing exhale,
No one will ever be awake.

Imagine all that again,
Think of all we have to pay,
We got to stop this pain,
and stop it right away.
& wipe tears before we cry,
Thats what we really need,
Lets join our hands and fly,
Before the world starts to bleed...

Let the world breathe,
Let us water the seed,
Let the trees grow,
Let the rivers flow,
Let the sun shine,
Let there be wine,
Let us take away the pain,
Let there be a rainbow again.


Dedicated to my parents

To the "Parents" of all '"Sons",
Without you there is no fun,
You give happiness to all hearts,
Till their end, from their start.

You should be in small children's sight,
Or else they might feel a fright,
To young boys u show the way,
Which leads to life happy and gay,
That is why this is what I say,

To the "Parents" of all the "Sons",
Without you there is no fun......

There is always a new day.

My first poem

The Sun is setting and so is its "Spark",
Moon is rising, Its getting dark.
Everything is scary and visible is no way.
Dont fear, my dear, Sun is on its way.

No where to run, no where to go.
Night has fallen, though steady and slow.
Fear may surround you, On you his hands may lay.
Dont fear, my dear, Sun is on its way.

When you thought, that you had it all,
And will leave on fate to decide it all.
Remeber one thing there is always a new day.
Dont fear, my dear, Sun is on its way.

I really really wanna spend my life with you.

Please ignore the spelling errors :)

I love the sweet smell of your lovely hair,
I love your eyes the way they stare,
I love your soft lips, n envy the gum you chew,
I really really wanna spend my life with you.

I will pick you up and take you to bed,
I will truly try remembering everything you said,
I will quietly listen you shout when I forget a few,
But I really really wanna spend my life with you.

I will get the bed breakfast on weekends,
I will never complain while you try new trends,
I will eat everything you make even if its spicy too,
I really really wanna spend my life with you.

I will watch your soap missing my football,
I won't forget dates, and I will never cut your call,
I will wash dishes and clean the room with you,
I just really really wanna spend my life with you.

I wanna be your shoulder, and be your man,
I wanna go to parties with you for all the time I can,
I wanna grow old besides you, die in your arms too,
I really really wanna spend the rest of my life with you.

I wanna kiss you night, before you sleep,
I wanna hold you tight, when you feel to weep,
I wanna hold your hands and say I do,
I really wanna spend my life with you.