Sunday, June 13, 2010


A little lengthy, so thanks for the time.

Imagine there's no sun,
No early morning dew,
No more summer fun,
No more sun tans too.
No more silver linings
or Rays of hope to stare,
No more new mornings,
Just darkness everywhere.

Imagine there's no rain,
No more kids splashing,
Rivers won't ever flow again,
No more showers to sing.
No more rainbows to view,
No more water to drink,
No more surfing too,
Atleast paper boats won't sink.

Imagine there's no bird,
No more sweet chirps too,
Garden will become just a word,
No more morning Kuk-a-doo.
No more Daffy or Tweety,
No more birds to view,
No more feathered beauty,
No more love birds too.

Imagine there's no tree,
No more fruits to eat,
No more shades for free,
No more grass under feet.
No more swing under Banyan,
No more cotton or gum,
Nothing for farmers to earn,
No more wine or rum.

Imagine there's no air,
No more cool breeze in sweat,
No more Baloons in fair,
No more bubbles for kids to get.
No more boats with sail,
No more oxygen to take,
No more freezing exhale,
No one will ever be awake.

Imagine all that again,
Think of all we have to pay,
We got to stop this pain,
and stop it right away.
& wipe tears before we cry,
Thats what we really need,
Lets join our hands and fly,
Before the world starts to bleed...

Let the world breathe,
Let us water the seed,
Let the trees grow,
Let the rivers flow,
Let the sun shine,
Let there be wine,
Let us take away the pain,
Let there be a rainbow again.


  1. its a vry gd way 2 make realise readers abt future situation n gv dem a msg 2 conserve resources n pay 2 god 4 such a lovely gift...

    its a lovely poetry.......

  2. Thanks again Nikki...

    I am running out of words to reply to your comments! ;)

    BTW its your turn to give me a topic and I will make a poem on the same..


Feel free to comment, leave suggestions or to critic my poems... :)
I would be honoured to hear your take on my poems.. :D